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Plantation Sealander rum

Plantation Sealander

Deadfame avatar image had this rum recently

Multiple | Aged | 40% ABV | Pot and Column Still

7 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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7 Plantation Sealander Ratings

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ShadowDragon 🇺🇸 | 80 ratings
Posted 23 days ago

This is one of the most unique rums I have tasted thus far. I'm terrible at tasting notes, so I'm not going to even try. Picked this up in Budapest while traveling. I was curious because I haven't seen this in the states. I'll be honest, the 4/10 review that said this tasted like Christmas is what sold me. I'm not sure I agree about the Christmas tasting notes, but it is magical. I do agree with the more fruity notes that others have mentioned, but maybe there are hints of baking spices, which I guess is sort of like a Christmas fruit cake. It definitely has a small amount of added sugar, but it's very subtle, no sweeter than the XO. No harshness. Fantastic rum blend.

Rocky 🇸🇰 | 120 ratings
Posted 6 months ago

Rumy značky Plantation sú mi už dlhšie známe, vyhovujú mi ich tropické tóny, aj keď sú mierne na sladšej strane spektra. Za topku zatiaľ považujem XO, nedávno som u lokálneho predajcu zazrel nový prírastok s označením Sealander. Keďže bol ponúkaný s takmer 20% zľavou, hneď som po ňom siahol. Opletaná fľaša je pekná, podobná spomenutému XO, je o niečo menej robustná. Má ísť o blend rumov z troch ostrovov - Maurícia, Fidži a Barbadosu, v popise sa spomínajú vône hrušky, dule a egrešov. Farba je zlatohnedá, s netradičným zelenkastým nádychom, vôňa veľmi decentná, zaujímavá, s určitým zvláštnym, u Plantation pre mňa celkom neznámym pozadím. Žeby tie hrušky? Chuťovo ide znova o veľmi jemný, stredne sladký rum, tropické ovocie je znova prítomné, tentokrát zahalené v ľahkom dyme. Tón, ktorý som cítil nosom, sa na jazyku prejavuje oveľa intenzívnejšie, dlhšie som mal problém ho s niečím spojiť. Čím ďalej, tým viac mi pripomína čierne olivy, čo je v prípade rumu zvláštne. Napriek tomu, že olivy mám veľmi rád, tu mi to dosť vadí. Telo je plné, hrá rôznymi farbami, záver je však už skôr horký a mierne vodnatý. Subjektívna silná šestka, určite stojí za ochutnanie.

JKNitro 🇫🇮 | 96 ratings
Posted 6 months ago

Light golden orange in color. Lovely sweet notes of pear and red gooseberryes with some smoke. Fullbodied and beautiful flovery honey, vanilla and pear, lingers long time to smokey cooked apple. Wonderfull blend I would say. Tiny bit on the sweet side, but I really like my rums like this.

Deadfame 🇸🇰 | 59 ratings
Posted 8 hours ago

Zaujimavy experiment mixu troch rumov ale neviem co tym sledovali.
Aromu ma podobnu ako XO.
Vianoce, skorica a tropicke ovocie.
V chuti preraza hlavne ta skorica a ine korenie. Zo zaciatku jemny sladky. Ale na konci pali az kope.
Ale ako tu niekto pisal, na vianocny zimny vecer bude dobry :D

Edit: ale cim dalej to pijem tym viac mi to chuti a blizi sa to viac k XO.

MRBTZ78 🇸🇪 | 31 ratings
Posted 3 months ago

This was just a purchase I mad after hearing so much about it. First sip didn’t made me smile but after letting it sit in the glass for 25-30 minutes flavor started coming out.

Scent: Subtle notes of baked pear, quince, dark molasses, tonka beans, and a hint of smoke.
Taste notes: Delicate and full-bodied at the same time, with significant sweetness and hints of clover honey, vanilla, and damson plum.

Chamarelo 🇩🇪 | 53 ratings
Posted 4 months ago

I really love the Plantation XO and there are some more really good rums from this company.
So I'm looking forward to the new SEALANDER, a rum from 3 countrys, 3 oceans, 3 different distilleries. Mauritius, Barbados an Fiji are filled with 40 % ABV in one bottle.
Nose : marzipan, cinnamon, gingerbread. A walk across a christmas market.
Palate : apple strudel with cinnamon, vanilla, spekulatius, christmassy, borderline sweet
Finish : short, cinnamony, sweet ... too sweet
Conclusion : sorry, but I can't believe, that this should be a mixture of rums from Mauritius and Barbados. The taste is absolutely untypical for these 2 countries. I don't understand, where the other members taste fruity notes and wood, what is written here. We were 7 guys at the tasting and we all smell and taste the same : christmas, christmas, christmas. For me much too (like liqueur), disappointing and never again

TikiTikiTiki 🇩🇪 | 1 rating
Posted 5 months ago

Fascinating blend, complex, yet easy to drink. Interesting nose.

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Plantation
Country: Multiple
ABV: 40%
Name: Sealander
Years Aged: 0
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Pot and Column Still
Women Led: No